Being ghosted isn’t any fun. No one likes rejection. And receiving rejection from someone you know and like is one of the worst things ever.
But, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll bounce back.
Take advice from someone who has been ghosted more times than she’s willing to admit.
If you’ve been talking or dating someone and out of the blue they ghost you, then you’re probably having all types of thoughts going through your head right now.
No texts. No phone calls. Nothing.
You can go from a wide range of emotions from being sad, feeling hurt, getting upset, and more. It’s understandable, but like all things that don’t kill you – it will only make you stronger.
If you’ve been ghosted by someone with no explanation, here are 7 things you can do to get over being ghosted.
1. Make Sure He Isn’t Dead
This may sound crazy, but if he seems like he just fell off the face of the earth – then it’s possible he did.
Or maybe he’s in the hospital or some tragedy struck his family. Before you go off the deep end and call him to cuss him out, make sure that there are some signs of life.
You could check his social media and if no one is posting “In loving memory” or “Get Well Soon” posts, then assume he’s okay.
2. Try to Reach Out One More Time
Only do this if you haven’t tried calling him a zillion times already. You could send a text message like, “I’m just checking to make sure you’re okay. I haven’t heard from you in a while and I am worried. If you no longer want to deal with me, could you tell me?”
This gives them a way to actually respond and say that they were actually busy or that they no longer want to talk.
There’s no guarantee they will respond because they could keep you hanging and wish to circle back around the block later.
3. Don’t Call Him Anymore
No response is actually a response. This means that this person no longer wants to communicate with you. Most likely they have decided that they don’t really like you and more likely they have decided to be with someone else.
This is a cowardly response, but you will be surprised by how many grown people do this. They’re immature and most likely nonconfrontational. Something about you has made them decide that they don’t want you in their life anymore.
If this is true, then there’s nothing you can do. If you keep calling him, he’s going to either: block you, become annoyed, or have his ego fed. Have some self-respect and dignity and do not try to reach out to him anymore. Ever.
4. Block Him and Delete His Number
Now you will have to block him first and then delete his number for this to be effective. If you do it in reverse, you will be tempted to call him again. Or answer the phone when he calls.
When you block and delete someone, you are doing it for your own mental health. You do not want to be in a sad mood and decide that you want to call him and then feel stupid when he doesn’t answer the phone.
He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings, so don’t worry about his.
If you are connected to him on social media, then you should also unfollow him and block him on there as well. You don’t want to make yourself miserable by stalking his page and coming upon photos he may post of another woman.
5. Don’t Take It Personally
You’re a special person. You may have done something wrong, but most likely you didn’t. Sometimes people don’t click. Sometimes people find other people they like better and have a stronger connection to.
When this happens, it doesn’t mean that you did anything wrong or there’s anything wrong with you. It’s life.
It may hurt at first, but realize that this person is a coward and an immature jerk. Not being an adult to tell a person that they want to end things is a cop-out.
They may tell you it’s because they don’t want to hurt your feelings, but it’s mostly because they are too chicken to tell you the truth.
6. Look At It As a Blessing
I feel that people are put in our lives for a reason or a season. They are either here to be a blessing or to teach us a lesson. This person would have hurt you worse down the road, so feel grateful they removed themselves from your life now.
The same personality traits of a person who ghosts you now will be the same as someone who will cheat on you and mistreat you later down the road.
There’s someone better for you. Be thankful that they removed themselves from your life when they did. All they did was open up space for a loving and caring person to come in and sweep you off your feet.
7. Move On With Your Life
If you want to cry, go right ahead. You may feel like you really like this person and that maybe y’all had a good thing going. Maybe. But, most likely not. You may have been looking at the situationship with rose-colored glasses and things weren’t as great as you thought they were.
The last time I was ghosted, I believed him when he said that he cared about me and that we were going to discuss having a relationship. When I look back at it, he only told me what he thought I wanted to hear. He was a coward and instead of telling me he wasn’t ready or that he didn’t see a future with me, he lied.
He probably thought I was going to cry or freak out in front of him. He talked a good game, but his inconsistent behavior was foreshadowing this moment to come.
I’m better off without him and I am happy he’s gone.
Give yourself some time to feel sad, but move on and live your best life. The love of your life is right around the corner.
Yes l am trying to get over being ghosted, because getting wiped out one night
If drinking 2and half glasses of wine…My man friend totally did not like it
He was angry and just stirred at me the next morning and l was to embarrassed
To talk to him! This is out he left me house! Then l gjostd he next day where he
Would not take calls, email, Although he didn’t block me!
I had NO contact with he shut me down, after almost 4 months of dating…
I just wanted to talk to him and explain how that wine siduation never happen
Before, but he would even a chance to reason with him!
Please have some input on this thank you so much…
Yes l am trying to get over being ghosted, because getting wiped out one night
If drinking 2and half glasses of wine…My man friend totally did not like it
He was angry and just stirred at me the next morning and l was to embarrassed
To talk to him! This is out he left me house! Then l gjostd he next day where he
Would not take calls, email, Although he didn’t block me!
I had NO contact with he shut me down, after almost 4 months of dating…
I just wanted to talk to him and explain how that wine siduation never happen
Before, but he would even a chance to reason with him!
Please have some input on this thank you so much…
Ps. Since it has been 5 months since l heard from l am wandering if there is it
Possible hat l would that is why l am wring again
What kind of a person does this everyone makes mistakes!