Charlie Sheen has recently admitted to having HIV on the Today Show. This admission was not only a shock throughout Hollywood, but it was also a learning lesson for all women.
Charlie Sheen and HIV and the 5 Takeaways From His Admission
Though some of us were shocked about Charlie Sheen’s HIV status, most of us were not in total disbelief. We knew something was bound to happen when he began living with prostitutes and hosted orgies on a regular basis. Not saying that prostitutes are breeders of HIV, but it pinpoints to the risky lifestyle he was leading, especially with the high amount of drug use going on. I’m not cold-harded because my heart breaks for not just him, but his family as well. I feel the most pain however for all of the women who have come in sexual contact with Charlie Sheen at one time or another. Even though they were aware of the risks by becoming intimate with him, no one deserves this life sentence as punishment.
Charlie Sheen’s revelation was probably heaven-sent, to be honest with you. I’m sure it caused him to reflect on what was going on in his life at the time. It kind of reminds us that HIV does not discriminate and anyone can contract it. We also were reminded that with the medical advances, HIV is no longer a death sentence and living a long life is possible. See I don’t even worry about Charlie or all the women he has paid off to keep his secret. He and all of his women can afford to get all of the medication need to live long and prosperous. Unfortunately, there are many of us normal folks out there who can not afford the expensive medication that is necessary to extend our lives. In fact, many of us are not only uninsured but unaware of our HIV status. This puts all of us at risk.
So though you may not necessarily die from HIV, it’s still a serious disease and it’s important that we stay educated and learn from this entire incident. Treatment is available, however, people must wonder if it is easily accessible or worth the risk. People still die from complications and the virus can develop into AIDS. I believe all sexual activity should be protected unless you are in an exclusive and mutual commitment. I love all of you and want you to remain healthy and that is why I have listed 5 takeaways from learning about Charlie Sheen and HIV.
Do not trust anyone with your sexual health.
I don’t believe Charlie Sheen went around Hollywood passing his disease to unwilling partners. Is it possible? Yes, but I don’t think he did. As sorry as I feel for the women who have either caught HIV from Charlie Sheen or fear that they have, I also blame them for being careless. As a woman, it is so important that you take charge of your sexual health. You can’t expect someone else to do it for you. If you don’t want children use birth control. If you don’t want to catch something, wear a condom. Simple as that. We can’t tell by looking at someone if they are clean or not and it is evident that HIV doesn’t discriminate based on race or celebrity status. No matter how much a man tells you that he’s clean, you must love yourself enough not to have sex unprotected.
Date of diagnosis is not the same as the date of infection.
Charlie Sheen learned he was HIV positive about 4 years ago, though he didn’t explain when he was infected. This is probably due to the fact that it’s almost impossible for him to know for sure. If he had as many partners he claimed to have, there’s a huge possibility he infected quite a few women. When you play Russian Roulette with your own life, it’s easy to do the same with someone else’s. It’s practically impossible not to. Most people who have HIV don’t know they have it and may unwittingly spread it to their partners. If someone passed it on to them and didn’t know or didn’t disclose their status, it’s impossible to know the date of infection or the number of people it has impacted.
Get tested and demand the same from your partner.
If you are sexually active, the chances are real that you could catch an STD. This is why you should get tested at least once a year (more if you have a lot of partners or found out your boyfriend or spouse has). At the very least you should get tested every time you switch sexual partners and definitely before having unprotected sex with someone for the first time. If your partner refuses to get tested, withhold the goodies from them until they do. If they continue to refuse, move on. It’s not the worth the risk. Some STD’s can be cured, however, some can’t be and others will downright kill you.
Sex does not mix well with alcohol and drugs.
Drugs and alcohol cloud our judgment and put us in precarious situations if we don’t have it under control. Charlie Sheen stated that he found out 4 years ago, which was around the same time he was booted from 2 and a Half Men from erratic behavior. Not only was he partying like a frat boy, he was also spending a lot of time having sex with a lot of women. There were so much drug and alcohol use, he probably doesn’t remember much of anything from that time. Watch your intake and if you have a substance abuse problem, please seek help. Not only are you at a higher risk of catching an STD, you’re also at a higher risk of getting sexually assaulted. Stay safe.
Disclosure is not guaranteed.
There are a few women out there who have either sued or threaten to sue Charlie Sheen, because they state that he failed to disclose his status before engaging in sexual activity. I believe this, because if Charlie Sheen slept with as many women as he has claimed to, I’m sure he didn’t bother to tell most of them about his status. If he did, we would have learned about his HIV status years ago. The reality is, most people won’t disclose their status to new sexual partners. First, they are probably afraid the person will reject them. Second, if they are receiving treatment, they may feel they are not much of a threat to the other person. The last unfortunate truth is the possibility they are narcissistic, soul-less ass-holes. Either way, just use condoms.
What do you think ladies about the Charlie Sheen admission? Sound off in the comments. Also, don’t forget to share with the important women in your life. They may need this reminder.
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